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Empowering Inclusive Employment in Phoenix

Peckham Inc., a nonprofit vocational rehabilitation organization headquartered in Lansing, Michigan, is dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities to reach their full potential through employment and supportive services. Peckham’s newest expanded call center in Phoenix, Arizona, will open its doors later this summer.

Peckham Inc. provides a wide range of services to assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining meaningful employment and achieving independence. They offer job training, skills development, job placement assistance, and support services such as transportation and counseling. Peckham Inc. also operates social enterprises and businesses that provide employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities while generating revenue to support their mission. These enterprises span various industries, including manufacturing, packaging, distribution, and call center services.

An Enduring Relationship Through Design

The Peckham and Integrated Architecture partnership started with “a project” in 2007 and continues growing because of dedicated, consistent work on diverse projects. These project types range from offices, call centers, and warehouses to art installations, history walls, or documenting design standards. Our long-standing collaboration is a testament to trust and understanding and ensures consistency in design vision and execution.

A common denominator with every Peckham project is a shared focus on universal design principles. The universal design principles focus on creating environments that are accessible and usable by people of all abilities, including those with disabilities. Peckham incorporates universal design principles into their projects to ensure that buildings are welcoming and accommodating to everyone.

Phoenix Call Center Operations

Peckham Inc. provides contact centers and IT helpdesk services within the AbilityOne program, creating jobs for people with disabilities and other barriers to employment. Its 1,500 team members handle nearly 9 million contacts per year through phone, email, and chat, and the company continues to grow.

In Phoenix, the organization’s fast-growing call center operations initiated the need to relocate its existing operations to an expanded space, providing greater flexibility and scalability. The new space, 88,313 square feet on the first floor in the Blackhawk Corporate Center allows Peckham to expand its operations and offer better facilities and amenities for its clients and employees. This relocation is a strategic move to enhance its service delivery, improve accessibility features, and provide a more comfortable work environment with updated technology.

Creating Inclusive Space

The Peckham IA team designed the Peckham Phoenix space using universal design principles to maximize ease of use and accessibility. The design allows for better organization of workstations, the café and common spaces, training and meeting spaces and prioritizes natural lighting and ergonomic design principles to create a comfortable and stimulating work environment. Clear and easy-to-read signage is installed throughout the call center to assist employees with visual impairments in navigating the space. Emergency exits and evacuation plans are clearly marked, and the layout of the call center ensures easy access to exits for all employees. Additionally, the design includes wide corridors and doorways, adjustable workstations, and accessible restrooms, all aimed at creating an inclusive and accessible environment.